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    ISO 39001 - Road Traffic Safety Management

    Improve road traffic safety with ISO 39001, a framework for efficient, transparent, and cost-effective Road Traffic Safety Management Systems (RTSMS).

    Save lives and reduce accidents on your roads

    The ISO 39001 - Road Traffic Safety Management framework empowers those responsible for enhancing processes and updates to road traffic systems with the latest tools and knowledge.

    Alongside governments – businesses, communities, and individuals can take an active role in saving lives and preventing serious injuries on the road. The guidance set out in ISO 39001 empowers organizations to go beyond legal compliance to achieve their own goals while contributing to safer, more sustainable roadways.

    Reduce road accidents through a comprehensive safety management framework

    ISO 39001 helps organizations to stay ahead of road traffic safety evolution, offering opportunities to enhance systems and processes.

    A couple on their bycicle
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      Demonstrate your organization's commitment to road traffic safety.

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      Improve road safety and reduce incidents.

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      Meet organizational safety and social responsibility targets.

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      Identify ways to improve efficiency and cut costs.

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      Develop and maintain a consistent approach to road traffic safety.

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      Engage stakeholders and develop familiarity with the requirements of road traffic safety.

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    Let's enhance road safety together

    As your trusted partner, we can help accelerate your journey towards Road Traffice Safety Management best practice.

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